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The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.

scalar Int

Member Of

AcademicClass object ● academicClasses query ● AcademicClassesCollectionSegment object ● AcademicLevel object ● academicLevels query ● AcademicLevelsCollectionSegment object ● AcademicSerie object ● academicSeries query ● AcademicSeriesCollectionSegment object ● AcademicYear object ● academicYears query ● AcademicYearsCollectionSegment object ● AccessUserLog object ● accessUserLogs query ● AccessUserLogsCollectionSegment object ● activateEnrollment mutation ● AddAcademicClassDataInput input ● AddAcademicLevelDataInput input ● AddAcademicSerieDataInput input ● AddAcademicYearDataInput input ● AddBillingDataInput input ● AddClassAssignmentDataInput input ● AddCompanyDataInput input ● AddCostCenterDataInput input ● AddDeductedDiscountDataInput input ● AddDependentDataInput input ● AddEnrollmentDataInput input ● AddEnrollmentResult object ● AddExternalBillingDataInput input ● AddExternalPaymentPlanDataInput input ● AddFinancialOwnerDataInput input ● AddFinancialOwnerDocumentFileDataInput input ● AddPaymentPlanDataInput input ● AddPunctualDiscountDataInput input ● AddStorageFileDataInput input ● AddUserDataInput input ● AddWebHookDataInput input ● Agreement object ● ApiRequestLog object ● AtmPayment object ● Billing object ● BillingAgreement object ● billings query ● BillingsCollectionSegment object ● BindDependentToFinancialOwnerDataInput input ● BreakAgreementDataInput input ● CancelBillingDataInput input ● CancelBillingResult object ● CancelPaymentPlanBillingResult object ● CancelPaymentPlanDataInput input ● ClassAssignment object ● companies query ● CompaniesCollectionSegment object ● Company object ● companyStats query ● costCenter query ● CostCenter object ● costCenters query ● CostCentersCollectionSegment object ● CreateAgreementDataInput input ● customField query ● CustomField object ● CustomFieldContent object ● customFields query ● CustomFieldsCollectionSegment object ● deductedDiscount query ● DeductedDiscount object ● deductedDiscounts query ● DeductedDiscountsCollectionSegment object ● dependent query ● Dependent object ● DependentDataInput input ● dependents query ● DependentsCollectionSegment object ● Enrollment object ● financialIntegration query ● FinancialIntegration object ● FinancialIntegrationProperties object ● financialIntegrations query ● FinancialIntegrationsCollectionSegment object ● financialOwner query ● FinancialOwner object ● FinancialOwnerDataInput input ● FinancialOwnerDocumentFile object ● financialOwnerDocumentFiles query ● FinancialOwnerDocumentFilesCollectionSegment object ● financialOwners query ● FinancialOwnersCollectionSegment object ● generateBilling mutation ● GetAcademicClassDataInput input ● GetAcademicLevelDataInput input ● GetAcademicSerieDataInput input ● GetAcademicYearDataInput input ● GetAgreementDataInput input ● GetBillingDataInput input ● GetBillingHistoricDataInput input ● GetCompanyDataInput input ● GetCompanyHistoricDataInput input ● GetCompanyStatsResult object ● GetDependentHistoricDataInput input ● GetFinancialOwnerHistoricDataInput input ● GetWebHookEventDataInput input ● GraphQLRequestLog object ● inactivateEnrollment mutation ● IntOperationFilterInput input ● LogHistory object ● ManualPaymentDataInput input ● MassiveCancelBillingsDataInput input ● nextRegistry query ● paymentPlan query ● PaymentPlan object ● paymentPlans query ● PaymentPlansCollectionSegment object ● permissionGroup query ● PermissionGroup object ● permissionGroups query ● PermissionGroupsCollectionSegment object ● Person object ● planBillingsDocumentUrl query ● PrintBillingQueryFilterInput input ● punctualDiscount query ● PunctualDiscount object ● punctualDiscounts query ● PunctualDiscountsCollectionSegment object ● RefundDataInput input ● ReissueBillingDataInput input ● RemoveAcademicClassDataInput input ● RemoveAcademicLevelDataInput input ● RemoveAcademicSerieDataInput input ● RemoveAcademicYearDataInput input ● removeClassAssignment mutation ● removeCompany mutation ● RemoveCompanyDocumentDataInput input ● removeCompanyLogo mutation ● removeCostCenter mutation ● removeCustomField mutation ● removeDeductedDiscount mutation ● removeDependent mutation ● removeEnrollment mutation ● removeFinancialIntegration mutation ● removeFinancialOwner mutation ● removeFinancialOwnerDocumentFile mutation ● removePaymentPlan mutation ● removePermissionGroup mutation ● removePunctualDiscount mutation ● RetryWebHookEventDataInput input ● roles query ● RolesCollectionSegment object ● SendBillingEmailDataInput input ● StorageFile object ● SwitchActivationDataInput input ● UndoManualPaymentDataInput input ● UndoRefundDataInput input ● unenrollDependent mutation ● UpdateAcademicClassDataInput input ● UpdateAcademicLevelDataInput input ● UpdateAcademicSerieDataInput input ● UpdateAcademicYearDataInput input ● UpdateClassAssignmentDataInput input ● UpdateCompanyDataInput input ● UpdateCostCenterDataInput input ● UpdateCustomFieldDataInput input ● UpdateDeductedDiscountDataInput input ● UpdateDependentDataInput input ● UpdateEnrollmentDataInput input ● UpdateFinancialIntegrationDataInput input ● UpdateFinancialOwnerDataInput input ● UpdatePermissionGroupDataInput input ● UpdatePunctualDiscountDataInput input ● UpdateUserDataInput input ● User object ● users query ● UsersCollectionSegment object ● WebHook object ● WebHookEvent object ● webHookEvents query ● WebHookEventsCollectionSegment object